TV Series | 2007-2013
Pasila is an animated police series where eccentric inspector Jefferson Anderson fights the crimes in this witty comedy spiced with dark humour. The series ended up having six full seasons.
The computer-animated sitcom portrays a satirical view of daily events in Helsinki at a police precinct in the suburb of Pasila. The series was produced with a super efficient 3d digital cut-out pipeline created by Anima’s pipeline gurus.
In 2007, the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle) sent Pasila to compete for the Rose d’Or. Pasila has also won two Finnish Golden Venla awards for best director and best script and was nominee for best comedy series.
In Finland the series has become a phenomenon and has developed a loyal fan base.
Anima has produced the series as a subcontractor. The main production company behind Pasila is Finnish Filmiteollisuus/Yellow Film.
Running time: 25’ per episode
Client: Filmiteollisuus/Yellow Film